I write stories to give my imagination a chance to breathe and for readers to enjoy.
– Markread my bio

My Adventure with Game Hunter
This blog is to all my friends who have helped me complete “Game Hunter”, a series through which I have learnt a lot about writing and enjoyed so much along the way. The title of the final book is “We Zombies”. I started the Game Hunter adventure about six years ago. My initial intention was
My Writing – A Summer Update
To my valued readers, I hope you all are bearing up through these recent strange days. Please forgive me not sending you a blog for so long. My Writing Like other writers, writing helps the inner part of me to breathe. When I was young, it was the guitar that I couldn’t put down, now
Read moreGame Hunter – Why the Re-Release?
I believe I share a common dream with many other writers on this young planet. Do we write for our own satisfaction? Yes, we do. Do we write to release our imagination? Yes again. Do we write to create our own world and maybe escape from the real one, if only for a while? Yes,
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Hello my precious readers, The other day I went with my wife to see our two youngest grandchildren in the end-of-year school play. They are four-year-old twin girls and, I can confirm without a hint of bias, they are seriously cute. The moment that all these delightful children came out onto the stage, I think
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