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Hello all,

Ah, Halloween is almost upon us. I’ve always suspected this particular celebration was created for the witches and ghosts thousands of years ago as part of an agreement with some Celtic god in exchange for leaving the living alone for the rest of the year.

Usually, it’s nothing but fun for the kids who dress up ready to give trouble to any who defy them at the front door. But on this night the line between the living and the ghostly dead of the past is thinner than any other night, sometimes thin enough for us to see them as they try to reach through the mortal curtain and take over our still warm bodies!

Maybe you’ve heard the evil laughter of the witches, as on this night they fly free and wild above us… just waiting for their chance to snatch a small child or two. Or seen the shimmering outline of a ghost, finally freed to wander the Earth once more.

Or maybe it’s my imagination running wild, especially as I live in a forest as ancient as the Roman invasions of these tree-covered shores. I don’t know….

What I do know is that I can smell the burning and see the lively kids ready and maybe even wanting a chance to play a naughty trick on an adult or two. I can feel the atmosphere of excitement and fear in the night air. Even the adults are affected, some dressing as witches and ghosts and others holding parties dressed as one of the devil’s army.

As everyone enjoys carving pumpkins and lighting candles they forget that this ancient ritual was done to ward off evil spirits and protect the home and family on dark All Hallows Eve.

Thousands of years ago the festival was first celebrated, and it has been evolving ever since. Dances and songs, plays and films have all had Halloween as their morbid subject. And still it gives fun to many who are unaware of the deadly risks they run on this one night given to those not quite alive.

In my current novel, I am exploring these Celtic legends, history and magic and thoroughly enjoying it. I hope early next year to start giving away some advanced reader copies and look forward to hearing what you think.

I hope you enjoy a fun and not too dark Halloween this year!


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